
News लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

On Arrival At Ujjain Madhya Pradesh Janab Haneef Ali Hon'ble Member Central Waqf Council Ministry of Minority Affairs Government of India Felicitated by Ujjain BJP Team and Waqf Activists before reaching to Hussain Tekri Jaora Ratlam Dist MP

MP. On Arrival At Ujjain Madhya Pradesh Janab Haneef Ali Hon'ble Member Central Waqf Council Ministry of Minority Affairs Government of India Felicitated by Ujjain BJP Team and Waqf Activists before reaching to Hussain Tekri Jaora Ratlam Dist MP

Joining in BJP in Hussain Tekri Jaora Ratlam Dist Madhya Pradesh in presence of Janab Haneef Ali BJP Member Central Waqf Council Ministry of Minority Affairs Government of India, Smt Minoo Mansuri National Executive Member BJP Minority Morcha, Syed Sarwar Hussain Hyderabad City Vice President BJP MM, Jaber Ali Jaffry and others

MP. Joining in BJP in Hussain Tekri Jaora Ratlam Dist Madhya Pradesh in presence of Janab Haneef Ali BJP Member Central Waqf Council Ministry of Minority Affairs Government of India, Smt Minoo Mansuri National Executive Member BJP Minority Morcha, Syed Sarwar Hussain Hyderabad City Vice President BJP MM, Jaber Ali Jaffry and others

UP Sunni Central Waqf Board announces formation of Trust for the development of 5-acre plot in Ayodhya.

  LUCKNOW. In compliance of the judgement and order of the Honorable Supreme Court of India in Babri Masjid case Government of Uttar Pradesh has allotted 5 acres of land in Village Dhannipur in Ayodhya and the Board has accepted it in February 2020. The board has created a Trust named Indo Islamic Cultural Foundation for building the Mosque and other facilities for the benefit of general public. The trust will have a maximum of 15 Trustees. The U.P Sunni Central Waqf Board being it's founder Trustee through it's C.E.O Sayyad Mohammad Shoeb. 9 Trustees have been announced and the Trust will co.opt the remaining 6 Trustees. The Secretary of the Trust Mr. Athar Hussain will also be it's official Spokesperson.       सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड को मंजूर मस्जिद के लिए मिली 5 एकड़ जमीन, रेकॉर्ड से हटेगा बाबरी मस्जिद का नाम  - SUMERA TIMES - https://sumeratimes.page/article/sunnee-vakph-bord-ko-manjoor-masjid-ke-lie-milee-5-ekad-jameen-rekord-se-hatega-baabaree-masjid-ka-n/yxDPyu...

उन्नाव में चला चेकिंग अभियान ।

उन्नाव ब्रेकिंग-  चला चेंकिग अभियान   कोतवाली प्रभारी दिनेश चन्द्र मिश्रा की मौजूदगी में चार पहिया वाहनों की काली फ़िल्म निकालवाते हुए साथ मै सदर चौकी इंचार्ज व पुलिस बल ।।

COVID-19: Saudi Arabia to suspend Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan

Suspension of group prayers at mosques will not be lifted until end of coronavirus The Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance announced that Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan will only be performed at home as the suspension of prayers at mosques would not be lifted until the end of coronavirus. Al Riyadh newspaper quoted Dr. Abdul Latif Al Sheikh, Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, as saying: “The suspension of performing the five daily prayers at mosques is more important than the suspension of Taraweeh prayers. We ask Allah the Almighty to accept Taraweeh prayers whether held at mosques, or homes, which we think is better for people’s health. We ask Allah the Almighty to accept prayers from all of us and protect humanity from this epidemic that hit the entire world,” Al Sheikh clarified.In line with the instructions and precautions issued by the Ministry of Health and relevant authorities, five to six people from the deceased’s family are to perform funeral prayers for t...