UP Sunni Central Waqf Board announces formation of Trust for the development of 5-acre plot in Ayodhya.
LUCKNOW. In compliance of the judgement and order of the Honorable Supreme Court of India in Babri Masjid case Government of Uttar Pradesh has allotted 5 acres of land in Village Dhannipur in Ayodhya and the Board has accepted it in February 2020. The board has created a Trust named Indo Islamic Cultural Foundation for building the Mosque and other facilities for the benefit of general public. The trust will have a maximum of 15 Trustees. The U.P Sunni Central Waqf Board being it's founder Trustee through it's C.E.O Sayyad Mohammad Shoeb. 9 Trustees have been announced and the Trust will co.opt the remaining 6 Trustees. The Secretary of the Trust Mr. Athar Hussain will also be it's official Spokesperson.
सुन्नी वक्फ बोर्ड को मंजूर मस्जिद के लिए मिली 5 एकड़ जमीन, रेकॉर्ड से हटेगा बाबरी मस्जिद का नाम - SUMERA TIMES -